Safety Patrol
South Dover 3rd and 4th graders who display quality leadership skills are encouraged to become part of South Dover’s Safety Patrol/Peer Leader committee. Three times a year students campaign to be elected as a member of the Safety Patrol. Students are encouraged to design campaign posters, and must write and give a speech in front of their fellow classmates. Students then vote to elect the Safety Patrol candidate they feel would best serve the school as a leader, helper, and role model. Once elected, Safety Patrol members serve a 12-15 week period on the committee, monitoring hallways, buses, assisting students who maybe in need of guidance and support, as well as helping keep the school safe. Students are also trained on how to properly serve as a Safety Patrol member. Students are paid weekly in Bee tickets based upon their rank (lieutenant, sergeant, and captain). Students who do a great job on the Safety Patrol are encouraged to run for reelection and move up in rank. Third graders are able to run for election in the spring.